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Featured Stories
MAA & HISP student, Emma Gruesbeck, publishes her first article
Dr. Lopez Recognized for Expertise in New Study
Linda Rabben Presentations and Publications
Study on Impacts of Harm Reduction Vending Machines in the DC Area Led by Dr. Andrea López
Dr. Jen Shaffer ENST Faculty Affiliation
Dr. Linda Rabben Receives Maryland Historical Trust’s Preservation Award for New Book
MAA Student, Intan Kumbayoni, published two articles
PhD student Subhadeep Das presents his research
MAA Alumna Jessica Staggs and Dr. Jen Shaffer news article published
Dr. Matthew Thomann featured in the Maryland Global
SfAA Meetings in Santa Fe
Successful 34th Annual Colloquium
Megan Bailey, Ph.D, Publishes Book on L'Hermitage Plantation
Magda Mankel's Dissertation Research turned Visual Exhibit
Graduate Student Emma Satterfield Awarded SfAA Erve Chambers Tourism and Heritage Student Paper Award
Emeriti Faculty Spotlight - Dr. Michael Paolisso
Dr. Andrea López honored at the 2023 Maryland Research Excellence Celebration
Congratulations Dr. Janet Chernela!
Dr. Paul Shackel published a new book titled The Ruined Anthracite
Dr. Stephen Brighton's field school hosts local elementary school
Dr. Kathryn Lafrenz Samuels published a new book "Heritage and Democracy: Crisis, Critique, and Collaboration"
Silvana Montanola awarded a Summer Research Fellowship
Siv B. Lie named a 2023 Fellow at the University of Strasbourg Institute for Advanced Study
Dr. Andrea Lopez receives the Exemplary Researcher Award
Dr. L Jen Shaffer named CoPI on a 3 year grant
UMD Names Dr. Susan Rivera as Dean of the College of Behavioral and Social Sciences
Nicole Ursin, Recent Dual-Degree Alumna, Plays Her Part in Addressing Controversial Monuments
Dr. Andrea López appointed to the MD Dept. of Health’s Standing Advisory Committee on Opioid-Associated Disease Prevention and Outreach Programs
Assistant Research Professor Adam Fracchia Featured in Maryland Today
Dr. Donald Linebaugh and Dr. Stefan Woehlke Featured in Maryland Today
Dr. Julie Schablitsky Featured in Maryland Today
Dr. Kathryn Lafrenz Samuels Named Editor of Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites
The 2021 UMD Summer Field School Explores the Eighteenth-Century County Seat of Baltimore County
Dr. George Hambrecht’s Research on Faunal Remains of Cod Featured in Maryland Today
Dr. A. Lynn Bolles Honored with the 2021 Gender Equity Award by the American Anthropological Association
Dr. Andrea López Recipient of BSOS 2021 Excellence in Teaching Award
Nadine Dangerfield Recipient of BSOS 2021 Outstanding Advising and Administration Award
Dr. Christina Getrich Awarded 2021 Outstanding Director of Graduate Studies Award
Dr. Andrea López Awarded a Grant from BSOS's Dean's Research Initiative
Dr. Madeline Brown Awarded a Grant from BSOS's Dean's Research Initiative
Dr. Julie M. Schablitsky Finds Harriet Tubman’s Lost Maryland Home
Dr. Matthew Thomann Awarded Prestigious US Fulbright Scholar Award
Dr. George N. Hambrecht New Paper Published in Nature Featured in Maryland Today
Dr. Barbara Paca Serving on Environmental Justice and Sustainable Communities Commission
Dr. Miguel Vilar Selected into UMD President’s Postdoctoral Fellowship Program
A Living Memorial to COVID Victims: Dr. Adam Fracchia Helps Digitize D.C. Art Installation That Symbolized Virus Deaths
An Archaeological Dig in Urban Baltimore Reveals a Forgotten Past
Dr. Stephen A. Brighton Featured in Documentary Film on Irish Immigrant Community and Archaeology Project in Virginia
Crossing the Boundaries Between Academia and the Streets, Professor Joseph Richardson Jr. Seeks to Find a Way Out of Trauma for Young Black Men
Dr. Andrea López Awarded a Connection Grant by the Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada
Dr. Matthew Thomann Awarded National Institute of Minority Health Disparities (NIMHD)-sponsored Loan Repayment Program (LRP)
UMD Expert on National Panel Recommending Reducing Violence Without Police
Surveying Historical Pandemics in the Midst of One: Anthropology Course Reimagined to Connect Lessons of Past With Present
Ellen Platts Recipient of the Society for the Anthropology of Food and Nutrition Student Research Award
Dr. Megan Springate (Ph.D. 2017) Recipient of John L. Cotter Award
Dr. Barbara Paca’s preservation work recognized by National Association of Secretaries of State
Ellen Platts Awarded NSF Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant
Dr. George Hambrecht Awarded NSF Grant
Congratulations to Marilyn London for 20 Years of Service to the Department of Anthropology
SESYNC International Collaboration Addresses Vulture Poisoning in Southern Africa
Cathleen Crain and Nathaniel Tashima Recipients of the Solon T. Kimball Award by AAA
Welcome to the New Chair of Anthropology
Dr. Andrea Lopez Named Edward McKJohnson Jr. Endowed Fellow
UMD Working with Amazonian Indigenous People in the Time of COVID-19
Announcing Dr. Marlaina Martin: UMD Presidential Postdoctoral Fellow
Maryland's Iconic Crab Industry and Their Struggles to Survive During COVID-19
Deal Island Peninsula Project Selected as a Winner of the 2019-2020 Praxis Award
Honoring the Memory of Dr. Nancie L. Gonzalez (1929-2020)
Dr. Julie Schablitsky Collaborates with MPT on a New Digital Series Titled, “A Maryland Mystery Lady”
Jessica Breitfeller Receives the NSF Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grant
New Book on Archaeology of Unchecked Capitalism by Dr. Paul Shackel
Dr. Michael Paolisso Elected as the New SfAA President
Nipun Kottage Selected as a 2020 Rhodes Finalist
SfAA Award Named for Dr. Erve Chambers
Dr. Megan Springate Documents LGBTQ Heritage Sites for National Park Service
Expert Analysis by Dr. Janet Chernela on the Fires and Deforestation in the Amazon
Dr. Joseph Richardson Named the New Joel and Kim Feller Professor
Dr. Mark Leone Conferred the Title of Distinguished University Professor
Anthropological Argonauts
Alumni Profile: Jeremy Krones, BA'13
Research at Thomas Jefferson's Monticello and James Madison's Montpelier
Collaboration through Conversation: Addressing Climate Change in the Chesapeake Bay
Alumna Profile: Sarah Ahmed (BA 2019)
Alumus Profile: Matthew Virta (MAA 1986)
Border Brokers -- Children of Mexican Immigrants Navigating U.S. Society, Laws, and Politics
How a 1897 Massacre of Pennsylvania Coal Miners Morphed From a Galvanizing Crisis to Forgotten History
Alumna Profile: Allison Chang (BA 2009)
Study Examines Why Older African Americans May Not Receive Needed HIV Care
Patchwork Problem: Research Examines Health Care Challenges for Rural Immigrants
Stopping Gun Violence: Hospital-based Violence Intervention Programs
Anthropology Alumni Panel
Dr. Michael Roller featured in Washington Post article discussing his work at Arlington National Cemetery
Undergraduate Student Profile: Hannah Dale
Dr. Judith Lynne Hanna Featured in Fall Issue of Terp Magazine
Dr. Andrea Lopez has been awarded a $375K grant by the Maryland Department of Health through the CDC Public Health Crisis Response funds
Alumnus Profile: David Colón-Cabrera (MAA 2010, PhD 2015)
Environment and Society Course Weekly Blog Posts
MAA Graduate Amelia Jamison Co-Authored Paper about Russian Twitter Bots and Vaccines
Forensic Aviation Archaeology Field School Continues Successful Partnership with Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency
Graduate Student Profile: Alex Vindaz Cruz
Adriane Michaelis, PhD Candidate, Receives the NSF Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grant
Katie Boyle Featured in Terp Magazine
PhD Candidate Emilia Guevara Featured in UMD Fearless Faces Campaign
Hope Loiselle awarded the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program
Undergraduate Nipun Kottage receives BSOS Summer Scholars Award to conduct research in Ghana
Marilyn London awarded the Provost's Excellence Award for Professional Track Faculty
Dr. Judith Freidenberg Recognized for her Longstanding Commitment to Community Service
Dr. Christina Getrich Receives the 2018 Excellence in Mentorship Award
Undergraduate Student Profile: Ana Ortez-Rivera
Medical Anthropologists from UMD Featured in Anthropology News' Edition on Health and Well-Being
Alumnus Profile: Christopher Foster (MAA 2001)
2017 Praxis Award: Honorable Mentions from the Department of Anthropology
Climate Change Research on Deal Island
Researching DACA in Uncertain Times
Anthracite Heritage: Landscape, Memory and The Environment
Studying the Opioid Epidemic at Ground Level
Alumna Profile: Megan E. Springate (MAA 2015, PhD 2017)
Research on The Hill Neighborhood
Archaeological and Historic Preservation Survey of Eckley Miners’ Village
Alumna Profile: Mary Furlong Minkoff (PhD 2015)
Honoring Professor Emeritus Michael Agar
Nadine Dangerfield Recipient of the Graduate School's 2017 Outstanding Coordinator of Graduate Studies Award
Living with HIV as an Older Black Woman in Prince George’s County, Md.
Reflections from the Diversity Initiative Visit to NMAAHC
Alumna Profile: Katie Geddes (MAA 2016)
Erik Hanson Recipient of the 2017 BSOS Outstanding Advising and Administration Award
Sarah Noe and Emily Colón Receive NSF Graduate Research Fellowships
The Second Annual Global Health & Culture Lecture: A Tale of Two Global Healths
Undergraduate Student Profile: Moriah James
ANTH Alumni Make their Mark at National Park Service
Producing Knowledge for Action: A Multi-Perspective Conversation from Prince George’s County
Undergraduate Student Profile: Johanna McAlister
New Global Classroom Focusing on Indigenous Languages and Cultures
Dr. Sean Downey creates high-resolution multi-spectral maps of agricultural land use in the Toledo District, Belize using Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS)
Dr. Joseph Richardson, Jr. Joins the Department of Anthropology
Dr. Barnet Pavao-Zuckerman Selected as the Winner of the 2017 SHA GMAC Diversity Field School Competition
Alumna Profile: Kathryn Putsavage (BA 2001)
Speaking of Books: Contemporary Conversations on Immigration in the United States
Searching for Answers 70 Years Later: New ANTH summer program to survey and investigate WWII aircraft crash site in Austria
Graduate Student Profile: Kevin Gibbons
Frederick Douglass and Wye House: Archaeology and African American Culture in Maryland
Building Resilience Through Collaboration: Deal Island Peninsula Project
Alumna Profile: Maria Grenchik (MAA 2012)
Release of the First National Study on LGBTQ History Edited by Megan Springate
Housing Conditions and Health of Immigrant Farmworkers in Maryland
Shirley Fiske awarded the Solon T. Kimball Award for Public and Practicing Anthropology
"Towards the Development of a Reentry Services Ecosystem (RSE)"
Judith Freidenberg Pens Book on Immigration in Prince George’s County, Maryland
Graduate Student Profile: Fabio Correa
New Research by Sean Downey and Randall Haas Uncovers Warning Signs for Stone Age Population Collapse
UMD Anthropologists Engage in New International, Interdisciplinary Research Program on Soils and Human Cultural Dynamics During the Holocene
The Health and Well-Being of Newly “DACAmented” Immigrant Young Adults in Maryland
Center for Research and Collaboration in the Indigenous Americas
Alumna Profile: Sabrina Shirazi (BA 2016)
The Archaeology of Ireland’s Early Modern Period: The Formation and Transformation of Irish identities and the Irish Diaspora
Dissertation Research on Resilience and Climate Change in the Chesapeake Bay Region
Graduate Student Profile: Adriane Michaelis
Health Care Access for Booming Immigrant Populations on Maryland's Eastern Shore
Sybil Paige Receives Outstanding Staff Award
UMD Department of Anthropology: Beyond the Classroom Video!
Emerging Global Threats in a Globalized World: A Discussion with NPR’s Jason Beaubien
Qualitative Methods in Action: Anthropology 606
Dr. Sean Downey Awarded NSF Career Grant to Study Sustainability of Traditional Farming Practice in Belize
"Maryland Dialogues on Diversity and Community"
New Dual Master’s Degree in Applied Anthropology and Historic Preservation
World Anthropology Day
William Stuart’s Retirement Announcement
Keeping Marylanders Safe from Fracking: Lessons from the UMD-led Marcellus Shale Public Health Study
Transnational Grandparenting and Well-being: A Comparative Analysis
Anthro+: Building Community Engagement and Social Equity in a Changing World
“Towards a City-wide Response to the African American Incarceration Epidemic”
Violence Against Women: Policy and Practice in Uganda — Promoting Justice within the Context of Patriarchy
The Archaeology of Ireland’s Early Modern Period
Winter Commencement 2015
Winter Commencement 2015
Winter Commencement 2015
J.C. Harrington Award in Historical Archaeology
Remaking America: The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 and Its Impact
Cultures without Borders
Honoring the Legacy of Suheil Bushrui
Heritage Lectures
Immigrant Health on Maryland’s Eastern Shore
Undergraduate Research
Welcome Reception
Professionalization Series
Archaeology of the Irish Diaspora and Modern Ireland
Department of Anthropology is Silver Certified!
Archaeology in Annapolis
Eckley Miner's Village Spotlight
BRAZIL: Environmental Conservation and Indigenous Peoples
Maryland Day 2015: Department of Anthropology Activities and Anthropology Alumni Luncheon
Brazilian Amazon: Environmental Conservation and Indigenous Peoples
Archaeology in Annapolis: Wye House
Dr. Shirley Fiske Discusses Research on Climate Change
Dr. Paul Shackel along with Graduate Students Michael Roller and Camille Westmont, Featured in American Archaeology
Dr. Shirley Fiske Announces the Report of the AAA Task Force on Climate Change
Dr. Ellis Kerley's Legacy
Summer Research Initiative to Increase Diversity
Editorship of Practicing Anthropology Returns to the University of Maryland
Joint University College Cork and University of Maryland Seminar on Frederick Douglass and Transatlantic Connections
UMD Anthropology Around the Web
Anthropology Commencement Ceremony
PhD Candidate David Colón-Cabrera Wins Graduate Student Distinguished Service Award!
Upcoming Panel Discussion: Immigration to Latin America
Brown Bag Lunch with Dr. Denise Brennan
CuSAG Public Forum, Retirement Celebration, and Establishment of UMD-HBCU Graduate Support Fund
Department of Anthropology Annual Maryland Day Alumni Lunch
Practicing Anthropologist Student Association's 2014 Anthro+ Conference
Department of Anthropology Colloquium
Advancing Health Through a Racial Lens
2015 Anthropology Career Boot Camp and Internship Program
Summer Courses and Field Schools 2014
Sustainability in the Anthropology Department
Voices of Social Change Presents "An Evening with Paul Farmer"
Anthropology of the Immigrant Life Course Research Program Brown Bag Speaker Series
UMD Anthropology Presentations at SHA
UMD Anthropology Celebrates its 40th Anniversary!
Performance by Haitian Artist, Gina Athena Ulysse
Brown Bag Lunch: Dr. Judith Freidenberg
Brown Bag Lunch: Dr. Paul Shackel
International Populations Network of Prince George's County
GHEA Open Workshop
Department's first two graduating doctors
Dean's Medal
Summer Internship Opportunities
Immigration and the Election of 2012
Congratulations to our recent Predoctoral Fellowship Recipients
Uncovering an African-American Neighborhood's Long, Rich History
"Applying Anthropology: Challenging Perspectives / Creating Alternatives"
Archaeologists uncover town's past
Climate Change and Threatened Commuties: Vulnerability, Capacity, and Action
Medical Anthropology Special Issue
Archaeologists look for Filipino relics in Annapolis
Albemarle Vineyard Turned Irish Heritage Excavation Site
Archeological Dig Confirms Irish Village in Greenwood
Recent Publications
Congratulations Anthropology 2012 Graduates!