Editorship of Practicing Anthropology Returns to the University of Maryland
The anthropology department congratulates Judith Freidenberg for her appointment as the head of the new editorial team of Practicing Anthropology, a journal published by the Society for Applied Anthropology. Serving with her as co-editors will be research professor Shirley Fiske and PhD candidate Amy Carattini (Dec. 2014), both at the University of Maryland. Under Dr. Freidenberg's leadership, the team will bring a fresh look to Practicing Anthropology--bringing more applied and practicing anthropologists onto the pages and Advisory Board--with punchy, concise articles and response about what practicing anthropologists do within and especially beyond academia and their critical analysis of current public issues and policy topics.
The new editorial team shared the following statement about their goals for the journal: "The vision of this editorial team is to continue our predecessors' efforts at bridging the divide between those 1) anthropologists who work at universities and colleges 2) vis-a-vis those who find employment in other sectors of the economy. We believe that the latter, as different from the former, often do not find the enticement in their employment to share the knowledge they produce in writing. We intend to make this publication a venue for disseminating knowledge across anthropologists employed in various sectors of the economy. We strongly believe that this team approach will enhance the creation and systemization of a scholarship of practice and contribute the teaching and professionalization of applied anthropology."
Practicing Anthropology is a career-oriented publication of the Society for Applied Anthropology. It provides a vehicle of communication and a source of career information for anthropologists working outside academia, encourages a bridge between practice inside and outside the university, and explores the uses of anthropology in policy research and implementation.
Visit the website of the Society for Applied Anthropology: http://www.sfaa.net/.
Published on Tue, 11/18/2014 - 10:09