Center for Research and Collaboration in the Indigenous Americas
The Center for Research and Collaboration in the Indigenous Americas (CRACIA) brings together faculty, researchers, students, practitioners, and indigenous affiliates to expand the knowledge and resources of Amazonian Studies at the University of Maryland and the surrounding region. The Center fosters a cohesive community for research and program creation through seminars, conferences, film showings, courses, lectures, and roundtable discussions by members and visitors. The Center has an office in Woods Hall where it provides a home, resources, and support to visiting scholars.
CRACIA is a newly established research center by Janet Chernela and Javier Carrera Rubio in the Department of Anthropology. Members include: Catherine Allen, Lucas Carvalho, Juan Castrillón, Emily Colon, Emily Dooley, Jose Arenas Gómez, David Good, Christopher Hewlett, Johanna McAlister, Theresa Miller, Anthony Seeger, Courtney Stafford-Walter, and Stanford Zent.
For more information about the center, visit:
Published on Mon, 07/25/2016 - 11:07