J.C. Harrington Award in Historical Archaeology
"Mark P. Leone has been named the 2016 recipient of the Society for Historical Archaeology’s most prestigious award, the J. C. Harrington Medal in Historical Archaeology. The award, established in 1981, is named in honor of Jean Carl Harrington (1901–1998), one of the pioneer founders of historical archaeology in North America. The medal is presented for a lifetime of contributions to the discipline centered in scholarship. Dr. Leone will receive the award on January 8, 2016, at the Society’s 49th Annual Conference on Historical and Underwater Archaeology in Washington, D.C., following a retrospective on his career." Congratulations, Dr. Leone!
For further information, visit: http://sha.org/about-us/awards-and-prizes/
Published on Wed, 11/11/2015 - 13:16