Producing Knowledge for Action: A Multi-Perspective Conversation from Prince George’s County
Producing Knowledge for Action: A Multi-Perspective Conversation from Prince George’s County – Honoring the Work of Professor Judith Freidenberg
In a recent book, Contemporary Conversations on Immigration in the United States: The View from Prince George's County, Maryland, Dr. Judith Freidenberg advocates for the value of multi-disciplinary and multi-stakeholder perspectives for promoting public conversations on how social issues are framed. Dr. Freidenberg argues that these conversations are crucial to achieving consensus on social issues, a necessary precondition for addressing them collectively and advancing policy formulation. The symposium engages four stakeholder groups — county residents, service providers, anthropologists, and the university—in a conversation about two major, interrelated social issues affecting the well-being of the County: migration and health. This reflexive exercise is intended to contribute to, 1) contemporary discussions on the uses of anthropological knowledge, 2) forging collaborative links among the four stakeholder groups as a long-term pursuit in policy formulation, and 3) understanding what collaboration means from the perspectives of the four groups: who initiates, shapes or blocks the process. The symposium aims to promote understanding of what keeps stakeholder groups apart as they engage the issues of migration and health, and suggests how they might come together.
Wednesday, March 15th 2017
Symposium: 3-5PM
Reception: 5:30-7:30PM
Colony Ballroom
Adele H. Stamp Student Union
University of Maryland
To Register For This Event,
Please Visit: GO.UMD.EDU/PKA2017
Questions? For more information, contact Umai Habibah at 301-405-9734 or
Published on Mon, 02/20/2017 - 16:07