Study Examines Why Older African Americans May Not Receive Needed HIV Care
Dr. Thurka Sangaramoorthy, an anthropologist and public health researcher, studies HIV disparities among African Americans and black immigrant groups primarily living in the southern United States. In a new project, she chronicles the lives of African-American women living with HIV in Prince George’s County, Md., in the hopes of bringing their often-ignored stories to light. Dr. Sangaramoorthy is working on visualizing the women’s narratives through a series of photo essays and plans to eventually compile a book and exhibit highlighting their resilience in the face of adversity.
Read a two-part feature published by Dr. Sangaramoorthy in The Conversation:
- African-American women with HIV often overlooked, under-supported
- Stories of African-American women aging with HIV: ‘My life wasn’t what I hoped it to be’
View the Maryland Today feature and video: "Their Stories Have Not Been Told"
Read the feature on Portside
Read more about the research, here: Study Examines Why Older African Americans May Not Receive Needed HIV Care
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Published on Thu, 02/14/2019 - 15:21