"Towards the Development of a Reentry Services Ecosystem (RSE)"
The 6th University-Community Dialogue on the African American Incarceration Epidemic:
Towards the Development of a Reentry Services Ecosystem (RSE)
Thursday, October 20, 2016, 1:00-4:45pm, University of Maryland, College Park
Nyumburu Cultural Center’s Multipurpose Room
The first University-Community Dialogue (UCD) was convened May 2014 as part of the celebration of Dr. Tony Whitehead’s retirement as a full time UMCP faculty member. In retirement he has continued these Dialogues as part of a course, Applied Urban Ethnography (AUE), which he has continued to teach each semester over the past three years. This fall is the last time he will teach the course, and October 20 will be the last of the U-C Dialogues.
Since the first U-C Dialogue, each class has focused on some aspect of what Whitehead calls the African American Incarceration Epidemic (the AAIE), which refers not only to the disproportionate impact of U.S. mass incarceration on the life course of African American individuals, but also to the impact on black families and communities. The planned October 20 Dialogue will focus on prison to community reentry, and the development of what former AUE student, Elizabeth Warwick, refers to as a digitally informed Reentry Services Ecosystem (RSE).
The planned October 20 Dialogue has three purposes: (1) to invite and say thanks to attendees of past Dialogues; (2) to update what Dr. Whitehead has learned about reentry services in DC from my ethnographic research sponsored by Court Services and Offenders Supervision Agency (CSOSA) between 2006 and 2009, and then from the past five semesters of directing students in the AUE class; (3) to present what he has learned as a possible proposal to inform the development of a Research-Community Partnership to create a DC Metropolitan Area Reentry Services Ecosystem; and (4) to explore the interests of researchers and reentrant service organizations in taking on the development of the proposed RSE partnership.
Tentative Program Schedule (Moderated by Dr. Whitehead)
1:00-1:30pm: Registration and Dialogue’s Participants Introductions
1:30-2:00pm: Introduction to the AAIE and Viewing of Video on the Prison-Industrial Complex (PIC) and the Community Reentry-Industrial Complex (CRIC).
2:00-2:30pm: Discussion of Video and Introduction to Reentry Services Ecosystem (RSE).
2:30-2:45pm: BREAK
2:45-3:30pm: Exploration of the Existence of a Reentry Services Ecosystem in Washington, DC
3:30-4:00pm: Exploration of Interest in Developing a Researcher-Community RSE Partnership.
4:00-4:45pm: Closing Comments and Reception with Light Refreshments.
Published on Wed, 10/05/2016 - 14:24