Dr. Barnet Pavao-Zuckerman Selected as the Winner of the 2017 SHA GMAC Diversity Field School Competition
Dr. Barnet Pavao-Zuckerman was awarded the Society for Historical Archaeology's Gender and Minority Affairs Committee "Diversity Field School" award at the 2017 conference in Fort Worth, TX on behalf of the Guevavi Field School, taught from 2013-2015 at the University of Arizona, and co-directed with J. Homer Thiel (Desert Archaeology, Inc.), and Jeremy Moss (National Park Service). The award recognizes those who demonstrate a commitment to fostering multi-dimensional diversity (race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, abilities, and socio-economic background) in research objectives, perspectives, and participation in historical archaeology in order to better reflect the diverse communities historical archaeologists serve. The Guevavi Field School investigated an 18th century Spanish colonial mission established within an existing O’odham village, located in present-day southern Arizona. The mission site is culturally important to the Tohono O’odham and Hispanic communities in the region, yet only eight of the site’s forty acres are currently protected by the National Park Service. In addition to the standing ruins of the mission chapel, the Guevavi Mission site contains archaeological components dating to Prehistoric, Protohistoric, Spanish, Mexican, and American Territorial periods. The project sought to investigate several endangered contexts on property surrounding NPS lands to better understand the full history of the site’s occupation, with the ultimate goal of making recommendations for NPS management or acquisition of the remaining acreage.
Published on Tue, 01/17/2017 - 14:20