Zou, Zhenhua (hua)
I primarily work on time series mapping of wetlands, water, and vegetation systems, as well as change detection and driver analysis utilizing remote sensing data (Optical, SAR, Lidar), Google Earth Engine, HPCs, and deep learning models. In recent years, I designed National Wetland Inventory (NWI) update targeting tools for the entire U.S., and mapped sub-pixel water fraction (SWF) and generated vegetation classification of Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) in Alaska. I also mapped open surface water at state, country, and globe scales. Additionally, I estimated Chlorophyll-a concentration in various lakes using Landsat/Sentinel images and Chlorophyll-a field measurements.
Ecology and Biology (OU Center for Spatial Analysis and Department of Botany and Microbiology) - Ph.D.
Cartography & Geographic Information Engineering - MEng.
Geographical Sciences - BSc.
Areas of Interest
- Long-term time series water mapping and change analysis
- Wetland mapping, change detection, and developing tools for rapid NWI updates
- Deep learning in water and impervious layer classification
- Parrallel processing of large scale geospatial dataset using python and javascript
- Google Earth Engine cloud computing platform
- Remote sensing of vegetation disturbance and destruction
- Optical, SAR, Lidar data analysis