Song, Xiaopeng


Dr. Xiaopeng Song is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Geographical Sciences. His current research focuses on understanding the trends, drivers and impacts of global land-use change using satellite remote sensing and geospatial techniques. His work has broad implications for issues such as food and energy security, and climate change. Dr. Song has published in a number of leading academic journals including Nature, Nature Climate Change, Nature Food, Nature Sustainability, PNAS, Remote Sensing of Environment and Science Advances. His current research is funded by NASA, USGS and World Resources Institute. Dr. Song publishes under the name Xiao-Peng Song.


  • in Geographical Sciences, University of Maryland, 2015 - PhD

  • in Geographical Information Science and Economics, Peking University, 2008 - BS

Areas of Interest

  • Land cover and land use change
  • Tropical deforestation
  • Crop mapping and area estimation
  • Land use in sustainable energy transition
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