Leone, Mark


Mark P. Leone, Archaeology in Annapolis.

Mark Leone is interested in critical theory as it applies to archaeology and, particularly, to historical archaeology. He has directed Archaeology in Annapolis since 1981. This project focuses on the historical archaeology of Annapolis and Maryland's Eastern Shore and features the use of critical theory. Leone is committed to public interpretation of archaeology and welcomes graduate students who are interested in learning about the relationship between public interpretation and the politics of archaeology.

Archaeology in Annapolis has run consistently since 1981 in Annapolis, at Wye House, where Frederick Douglass was enslaved, at William Paca’s Wye Hall on Wye Island, and on “The Hill,” an African American community in Easton, Maryland.

Site reports with catalogs on nearly 40 excavations can be found on the University of Maryland’s Digital Archive, known as DRUM. A physical component of the collection is housed in the National Trust room of Hornbake Library on the University of Maryland campus.

Some of the most significant sites excavated by the project include:

  1. 18AP01: The William Paca House and Garden
  2. 18AP45: Charles Carroll House and Garden (1987-1990 Report and 1991 Report)
  3. 18AP29: Jonas Green Print Shop
  4. 18TA314: Wye House and Greenhouse (Hothouse Structure, Greenhouse Interior, Wye Greenhouse, and The Long Green
  5. 18QU977: Wye Hall (2003 Report and 2008 Report)
  6. 18AP64: Maynard-Burgess House
  7. 18AP116: James Holliday House
  8. 18AP23: Reynolds Tavern
  9. 18AP74: Slayton House
  10. 18AP50: Bordley- Randall House
  11. 18AP18: Dr. Upton Scott House
  12. 18AP40: Rideout Garden
  13. 18AP22: State Circle in Annapolis
  14. 18AP28: Calvert House
  15. 18AP47: Sands House
  16. Fleet and Cornhill Streets
    1. 18AP109: 26 Market Street
    2. 18AP111: Fleet Street
    3. 18AP112: Cornhill Street
  17. 18AP44: 193 Main Street (Preliminary Report 1986 and Final Report 1994)

Virtual tours of archaeological sites in Annapolis and exhibits from Annapolis and Easton can be found at the following links:  

People of Wye House contains censuses done by the Lloyd family of people they enslaved. This can be found at http://aia.umd.edu/wyehouse/.

All University of Maryland Department of Anthropology dissertations on Annapolis can be found at https://drum.lib.umd.edu/handle/1903/10991.

A list of newspaper articles by date and name of reporter from the Annapolis Evening Capital can be found here.

An overview historical maps, historical photographs, and the result of excavations on an interactive database can be found at http://preservationsearchwebgis.anth.umd.edu/.

Use of Google, Google Scholar, and Wikipedia are useful entry points for knowledge of Archaeology in Annapolis. Links to newly published and selected articles on Archaeology in Annapolis can be found below.

Selected Publications

Edited Books

2010      Critical Historical Archaeology. Left Coast Press.

2015      Historical Archaeologies of Capitalism, Second Edition. Edited with Jocelyn E. Knauf. Springer, New York. (eBook published @ http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-319-12760-6).

Refereed Journal Articles

1977      The New Mormon Temple in Washington, D. C.  In Historical Archaeology and the Importance of Material Things.  Historical Archaeology.  Special Publication Series 2:43-61.  Reprinted in Sunstone (a Mormon journal), September-October, 1978.

1998        Seeing: The Power of Town Planning in the Chesapeake, with Silas D. Hurry. Historical Archaeology, 32:4:34-62. Reprinted in Revealing Landscapes. Society for Historical Archaeology’s series Perspectives from Historical Archaeology 2010.

2006      LiDAR for Archaeological Landscape Analysis: A Case Study of Two Eighteenth Century Maryland Plantation Sites.  With James M. Harmon, Stephen D. Prince, and Marcia Snyder.  American Antiquity 71:4:649-670.

2018      Waste, with Michael P. Roller. Cuadernos de Prehistoria y Arqueología de la Universidad de Granada 28:175–196.

Chapters in Books

1984      Interpreting Ideology in Historical Archaeology:  Using the Rules of Perspective in the William Paca Garden in Annapolis, Maryland.  In Ideology, Representation and Power in Prehistory, Tilley, C. and D. Miller, editors, pp. 25-35.  Cambridge University Press.  Reprinted in Readings in Historical Archaeology, edited by Charles E. Orser, Jr. Alta Mira Press/Sage Publications, 1996.

2001      Spirit Management among Americans of African Descent. Mark P. Leone, Gladys-Marie Fry and Tim Ruppel.  In Race and the Archaeology of Identity, edited by C. Orser, pp. 143-157. University of Utah Press.

2010    Walter Taylor and the Production of Anger in American Archaeology.  In Prophet,     Pariah, and Pioneer: Walter W. Taylor and Dissension  in American Archaeology, edited by Maca, Allen, Reyman, Jonathon, and Folan, William,  pp. 315-330. University of Colorado Press, Boulder, Colorado.  

Areas of Interest

  • Historical Archaeology and Interpretation
  • Critical Theory
  • African-American Archaeology

Research Topics

CV with all publications:


September 2017


Mark P. Leone                                                                      Dept. of Anthropology
University of Maryland
College Park, MD  20742
(301) 405-1425


Home Address:                                                                       5057 Overlook Road, NW
Washington, D.C. 20016
(202) 362-4088


Born:   Waltham, Massachusetts, June 26, 1940


1963    B.A.    Tufts University, History.

1966    M.A.    University of Arizona, Anthropology.

1968    Ph.D.   University of Arizona, Anthropology.


North American Archaeology; Historical Archaeology; Critical Theory in Archaeology.


Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, Princeton University, 1968-1975.

Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of Maryland, College Park, 1976-1990.

Professor, 1990-present.

Acting Chairman, Department of Anthropology, University of Maryland, College Park, 1978-1980.

Director, University of Maryland Field School in Urban Historical Archaeology, 1983-present.

Chair, Department of Anthropology, University of Maryland, College Park, August 1993 - 2003.

Chair-elect, College Park Senate, 1999-2000; Chair 2000-01.

Associate Dean of the Graduate School for Fellowships and Awards, 2013-2016.


Western Apache ethnoarchaeology.  Doris Duke Oral History Project, Arizona State Museum.  Spring, 1968.

Mormon cultural ecology in the 19th century.  Princeton University Committee on Research in the Humanities and Social Sciences.  Summer 1969; Sept.-Jan. 1970; Summer 1972. Archival work on 19th-century Mormonism and field research on Arizona Mormons.  NIMH Small Grant, 1970-1972.

Conference on Marginal Religious Movements in America Today.  Organized with Irving I. Zaretsky, Princeton University, April, 1971.  Supported by Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research; National Endowment for the Humanities; Lucius N. Littauer Foundation; and the Center for Urban Ethnography, University of Pennsylvania.

Evolution of Mormon Society. National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship for Independent Study and Research, 1975-1976.

Ethnographic uses of American history, Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia.  Graduate Research Board, University of Maryland, College Park, Summer 1977.

Ethnographic research on the uses of history at St. Mary's City, Maryland.  Graduate Research Board, University of Maryland, College Park, Summer 1981.

Graduate School, University of Maryland, College Park.  Grant to travel to the Third Theoretical Archaeology Group Conference, Reading, U.K., December, 1982.

[*] Historical archaeology and program of public interpretation within the Historic District of Annapolis, Maryland.  Reynolds Tavern site (1743) and Victualling Warehouse site (1790).  Maryland Humanities Council; State of Maryland Commission on the Capital City, 1982, 9 months each. Historical archaeology used to create an archaeological interpretation for the Historic District of Annapolis, Maryland.  National Endowment for the Humanities, Museum and Historical Organizations Program, 1983-1985, 2 years; Maryland Humanities Council, 1983, 9 months; Mayor and City Council of Annapolis, FY 1984.

Excavations in eighteenth century sites in Annapolis and their interpretation, including Victualling Warehouse (1790), and Jonas Green Print Shop (1720-1830), and Governor Calvert site (1720-1850).  Maryland Heritage Committee, 1984, for Maryland's 350th Anniversary; Maryland Humanities Council, 9 months; Mayor and City Council of Annapolis, FY 1985.

Archaeological excavation of the 1694 settlement plan of Annapolis; eighteenth century sites; and associated analysis and interpretation, including to the visiting public.  National Geographic Society, 1985, 10 months; State of Maryland Commission on the Capital City, 1985, 4 months; Maryland Humanities Council, 1985, 11 months; Mayor and City Council of Annapolis, FY 1986.

Archaeological excavation and interpretation at Jonas Green Print shop, Hyde House (1740), State House Inn (1740) sites.  Maryland Humanities Council, 1986, 11 months; Mayor and City Council of Annapolis, FY 1987; State of Maryland Commission on the Capital City, 1986, 5 months; Maryland State Board of Education, Summer 1986.

Excavation and public interpretation of Charles Carroll of Carrollton house and garden for 250th anniversary of the birth of this signer of the Declaration of Independence.  Maryland Humanities Council (6th consecutive grant), 1987-1988, 18 months; Mayor and City Council of Annapolis (4th consecutive grant) FY 1988; State of Maryland Commission on the Capital City (4th grant) 1987, 3 months; Maryland State Board of Education (2nd grant), Summer, 1987.

Excavation at Proctor's Tavern (1680) in Annapolis and computerization of data from Archaeology in Annapolis.  University of Maryland, Designated Research Initiative Fund Award, 1987-1990, 3 fiscal years.

Excavation at Sands House (1720); 22 West Street (1720); Hyde House (1740) in Annapolis.  Mayor and City Council of Annapolis, FY 1989.

For videotape on archaeological interpretations; for excavations around State Circle.  Maryland Humanities Council, Summer 1989; Mayor and City Council of Annapolis, FY 1990.

African-American Historical Archaeology, Franklin Street site (1780-1970).  Maryland Humanities Council for public interpretation; Mayor and City Council of Annapolis and Anne Arundel County for excavation, 1990-91.

For research on Annapolis and writing An Archaeology of Capitalism in Annapolis, Distinguished Faculty Research Fellowship, 1990-91.

For finishing An Archaeology of Capitalism in Annapolis.  National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship for College Teachers and Independent Scholars, 1991-92.

For African American historical archaeology, the Maynard-Burgess site, Mayor and City Council of Annapolis, FY 1992.  Maryland Humanities Council for an exhibit: "The Maryland Black Experience as Understood Through Archaeology," April 1991-May 1992.  Charles Carroll House, Inc. for excavations, 1991-92.

For African-American historical archaeology and laboratory support, Mayor and City Council of Annapolis, FY 1993.  Department of Defense, Legacy Program, through the U.S. Navy, for an archaeological survey of the U.S. Naval Academy, Oct. 1992-Sept.     1993.

For archaeological survey and plan of historic resources, U.S. Naval Academy, Department of Defense, Legacy Program.  Oct. 1993 - Sept. 1994.  For support of archaeological laboratories, Mayor and City Council of Annapolis, FY 1994.

Contract for archaeological survey, U.S. Naval Academy, Oct. 1994 - Sept. 1995, Department of Defense, with John Seidel as chief principal investigator.

Contract for Anne Arundel County Courthouse archaeological excavation, April, 1994 - June, 1995, with John Seidel as chief principal investigator.  Grant in support of archaeological laboratories in Annapolis and UMCP, Mayor and City Council of Annapolis.

Maryland Humanities Council 1995, for Bordley Randall House excavations in Annapolis, open to the public.  Mayor and City Council of Annapolis for support of the laboratory analyses for current excavations.  FY1996.

Grants from the Maryland Historical Trust, 1995-1996, 1996-1997.  To build a GIS for the Historic District of Annapolis using archaeological, cartographic, documentary, and photographic resources.

Grant from the Mayor and City Council of Annapolis for excavations at Slayton House (1774).  FY1997. 

Grant from the Mayor and City Council of Annapolis for excavations at Slayton House, FY1998.

Grant from City of Annapolis, Department of Planning and Zoning for GIS for the Historic District of Annapolis, with John Buckler, 1998.

Grant from the Mayor and City Council of Annapolis for laboratory analyses of Brice (1766) and Upton Scott (1770) Houses, FY 1999.

Grants from International Masonry Institute for excavations at Brice House , with James Harmon, 1998-1999.

Grant from the Mayor and City Council of Annapolis for laboratory support for analyses of Slayton and Brice Houses, FY2000.

Grant from the Mayor and City Council of Annapolis for running the archaeological laboratories of Archaeology in Annapolis. FY2001.

“Archaeological Investigations at Wye Hall,” with Jessica Neuwirth. Funded by Diane Brendsel. June 2000- June 2002.

Grant from Maryland Historical Trust for “Banneker-Douglass Archaeology, Phase I/II,”with Eric Larson. August 2000 - May 2001.

Grant from the Mayor and the City of Annapolis for public interpretations of the William Paca Garden and for running the laboratory of Archaeology In Annapolis.  July 2002 - June 2003.

“Archaeological Investigations at Wye Hall: the Quarter.” Funded by Diane Brendsel to the University of Maryland Foundation.  2003 - 2004.

“Archaeological Investigations at Wye Hall: the Quarter, the Avenue, and the Shoreline of Wye Island.” Funded by Diane Brendsel to the University of Maryland Foundation.  2004 - 2005.

Grants from the Mayor and the City of Annapolis for Archaeology in Annapolis laboratory, University of Maryland, College Park.  FY 2006; FY2007; FY 2008; FY2009; FY2010; FY2011; FY2012; FY2013; FY2014; FY2015; FY2016.

Grant from the Department of Public Works, City of Annapolis for excavations of Fleet and Cornhill Streets.  FY2009.

Wenner Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, Historical Archives Program FY2009.

Grant from Tilghman Family for excavations at Wye House Greenhouse 2009-2010.

Grant from Preservation Maryland for excavations at Wye House Greenhouse.

UMCP Graduate School Research Award, 2009-2010, for “The Archaeology of Wye House, Maryland.”

Fulbright Specialist Award. To the Universidad Católica del Norte for seminar and excavations in San Pedro de Atacama, Chile. 2009.

FIA (Future Information Alliance) Deutsche Foundation Seed Grant 2013, listed as Faculty Mentor. Proposal written by Benjamin A. Skolnik, “Locating People in the Past: Creating New Geographic and Historic Knowledge by Embedding the United States Census within Historic Maps.”

Smithsonian Institution/University of Maryland Seed Grant 2015, listed as Principal Investigator with Anson Hines. Written by James Gibb, PhD, “Between Land and Water: Exploration of Changing Human Relations in Chesapeake Ecology.” For archaeological work at Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (SERC). 




National Science Foundation, Advisory Panel for Anthropology.  1977-1979.

Governor's Consulting Committee on Historic Places in the State of Maryland  
(nomination panel for the National Register of Historic Places), 1978-1990.

American Association of University Professors, College Park Chapter, Secretary 1979; President 1980-1981.

Board of Managers, Anthropological Society of Washington; President-Elect 1983-1984; President 1984-1985.

Member, Executive Committee, Society for American Archaeology, 1983-1986.

Chairman, Government Affairs Committee, Society for American Archaeology, 1986-1988.

Member, Board of Directors, Council for Northeast Historical Archaeology, 1985-1988.

Treasurer-Elect, 1988; Acting Treasurer, 1989; Treasurer, 1989-1992; Society for American Archaeology.


Series Co-Editor with Joan Gero and Robin Torrence.  WAC 5 (World Archaeological Congress 2003) series of fifteen volumes.  University College Press, London. 


Advisory Editor, Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought, 1979-1982.

Advisory Editor, Studies in Historical Archaeology, Stanley South, Editor.  Academic Press, 1979-1985.

Advisory Editor, Series entitled "Social Archaeology," Ian Hodder, Editor.  Basil Blackwell, Oxford, 1986.

Editorial Board, Rural History, Cambridge University Press, 1989-present.

Editorial Board, International Journal of Historical Archaeology, 1997-present.

Editorial Board, Winterthur Portfolio, 1995-present.

Editorial Board, Journal of Social Archaeology. 2000-


Intergraphix Design Associates.  Museum exhibit design for Anasazi Heritage Center,  Dolores, Colorado, Summer, Fall, 1982.

Historic Annapolis, Inc., for historical archaeology in Annapolis, Maryland, 1981-present.

Office of the Mayor of Baltimore, Baltimore Center for Urban Archaeology.  A public interpretive program for historical archaeology in downtown Baltimore, Maryland, 1983-1984.

Consultant, Jefferson-Patterson Historical Park and Museum, St. Leonard's, Maryland, 1984-1985, 9 months.


1979       Roots of Modern Mormonism. Harvard University Press.

2005       The Archaeology of Liberty in an American Capital: Excavations in Annapolis. University of California Press.  (Recipient of the 2008 James Deetz Book Award from the Society for Historical Archaeology)


1972       Contemporary Archaeology, editor.  (5 printings.)  Southern Illinois University Press.

1974       Religious Movements in Contemporary America, co-edited with Irving R. Zaretsky.  Princeton University Press.

1988       The Recovery of Meaning: Historical Archaeology in the Eastern United States, co-edited with Parker B. Potter, Jr.  Smithsonian Institution Press.  Paperback edition 1994.  Reprinted with a new Prologue, Percheron Press, 2003

1995       Invisible America, with Neil A. Silberman. Henry Holt Co.

1999       Historical Archaeologies of Capitalism, edited with Parker B. Potter, Jr.  Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers.

2010       Critical Historical Archaeology. Left Coast Press.

2012       Historical Archaeology and the Importance of Material Things, II. Coeditor with Julie Schablitsky. Society for Historical Archaeology, Special Publication, Series No. 9. Includes: A Program for a Comparative Historical Archaeology, M.P. Leone, pp. 3-9.

2015       Historical Archaeologies of Capitalism, Second Edition. Edited with Jocelyn E. Knauf. Springer, New York. (eBook published @ http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-319-12760-6).

2017       Atlantic Crossings: Archaeology, Literature, and Spatial Culture, co-edited with Lee M. Jenkins. Leiden: Brill/Rodopi.


2008       “Seeking Liberty: Annapolis, An Imagined Community.”  Guest Curator.  Banneker-Douglass Museum, the State of Maryland’s Center for African American History and Culture.  Annapolis, Maryland, March 4 to November 28, 2008.

2008-      Permanent exhibits in Annapolis at the Governor Calvert House Hotel, Reynold’s

2010       Tavern, Jonas Green House, and Mt. Moriah (AME) Community Life Center, of                           archaeological materials excavated from each site.

2013       “Joint Heritage at Wye House,” curated with Elizabeth F. Pruitt, Benjamin A. Skolnik,                 and Amanda Tang. Academy Art Museum, Easton, Maryland, August 23-October 13,                2013.

2016       “Frederick Douglass and Wye House: Archaeology and African American Culture in Maryland.” Co-curated with Tracy Jenkins, Dr. Elizabeth Pruitt, Benjamin A. Skolnik, Dr. Amanda Tang, and Stefan Woehlke. Hornbake Library, University of Maryland, College Park. August 2016-July 2017.



1986       Annapolis: Reflections of the Age of Reason.  Script of 12-slide projector, 20-minute audio/visual introduction to the material culture of 18th century Annapolis for visitors to the Historic District of Annapolis, Maryland.  Produced by Telesis, Inc.  Sponsored by Historic Annapolis, Inc., and the University of Maryland.  Videotape transfer, 1991.  Mounted in the Visitors' Center, Maryland Statehouse, 1992.

2015       Video: Archaeology at Wye House: Full. Produced by Assemble. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bu-r36M3JUM.

2015       Video: Archaeology at Wye House: Trailer. Produced by Assemble. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QT7NmGGnGp4.


1984       Archaeological Annapolis: A Guide to Seeing and Understanding Three Centuries of Change with Parker B. Potter, Jr.   Historic Annapolis, Inc., and the University of Maryland.  (A guidebook to the Historic District of Annapolis, Maryland)  Reprinted, 1989.  Reprinted in Contemporary Archaeology in Theory, edited by Robert W. Preucel and Ian Hodder.  Blackwell Publishers, 1996.


1968       Neolithic Economic Autonomy and Social Distance.  Science 162:1150-1151, 6 December.

1971       Modern American Culture, The Decline of the Future?  Journal of Popular Culture IV:4:863-880, Spring.  Also in Crisis on Campus, Nye, Russell B., Ray B. Browne, and Michael T. Marsden, editors.  Bowling Green University Press, 1971.

1972       The Evolution of Mormon Culture in Eastern Arizona.  In UtahHistorical Quarterly 40:2:122-141, Spring.

1973       Why the Coalville Tabernacle Had to Be Razed.  Dialogue:  A Journal of Mormon Thought 8:2:30-39.

1977       The New Mormon Temple in Washington, D. C.  In Historical Archaeology and the Importance of Material Things.  Historical Archaeology.  Special Publication Series 2:43-61.  Reprinted in Sunstone (a Mormon journal), September-October, 1978.

1977       The Role of Primitive Technology in Nineteenth Century American Utopias. 1975 Proceedings           of the American Ethnological Society, pp. 87-107.

1978       On Text and Interpretation.  Current Anthropology 19:3:664-665.

1982       Some Opinions About Recovering Mind.  In American Antiquity 47:742-760.  Reprinted in Readings in American Archaeological Theory: Antiquity 1962-2000, edited by Garth Bawden.  Society for American Archaeology, 2003.

1983       Method as Message.  Museum News 62:1:35-41.

1983       The Role of Archaeology in Verifying American Identity.  Archaeological Review from Cambridge 2:1:44-50.

1986       Liberation Not Replication:  "Archaeology in Annapolis" Analyzed, with Parker B. Potter, Jr.  Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences 76:2:97-105, June 1986.

1987       Toward a Critical Archaeology, with Parker B. Potter, Jr. and Paul A. Shackel.  Current Anthropology 28:3:283-302. Reprinted in Interpretive Archaeology, edited by Julian Thomas, pp. 458-473. London: Leicester University Press. 1999.

1988       The Relationship Between Archaeological Data and the Documentary Record: Eighteenth-Century Gardens in Annapolis, Maryland.  Historical Archaeology 22:1:29-35.

1989       Issues in Historic Landscapes and Gardens.  Historical Archaeology 23:1:45-47.

1990       The Georgian Order in Annapolis, Maryland.  With Paul A. Shackel.  In New Perspectives on Maryland Historical Archaeology, edited by Richard J. Dent and Barbara J. Little. Maryland Archeology. 26 (1&2): 69-84.

1992       Legitimation and the Classification of Archaeological Sites.  With Parker B. Potter, Jr.  American Antiquity 57:1:137-145.

1992       Epilogue: The Productive Nature of Material Culture and Archaeology.  In Meanings and Uses of Material Culture, edited by Little, Barbara J. and Paul A. Shackel.  Historical Archaeology 26:3:130-133.

1995       A Historical Archaeology of Capitalism. American Anthropologist 97(2): 251-268.

1998      Seeing: The Power of Town Planning in the Chesapeake, with Silas D. Hurry.                               Historical Archaeology, 32:4:34-62. Reprinted in Revealing Landscapes. Society for                       Historical Archaeology’s series Perspectives from Historical Archaeology 2010.

1999       Conjuring in the Big House Kitchen: An Interpretation of African American Belief Systems, Based on the Uses of Archaeology and Folklore Sources, with Gladys-Marie Fry.  Journal of American Folklore, Summer 1999; 112:445:372-403.

2002       The Political Economy of Archaeological Cultures. With Christopher N. Matthews and Kurt Jordan. Journal of Social Archaeology, 2:1:109-134.

2003       Hidden in View: African Spiritual Spaces in North American Landscapes.  With Timothy Ruppel, Jessica Neuwirth, and Gladys-Marie Fry.  Antiquity.  77: 296: 321-335.

2005       Perspective and Surveillance in Eighteenth-Century Maryland Gardens, Including William Paca’s Garden on Wye Island.  With James M. Harmon, and Jessica L. Neuwirth.  Historical Archaeology, 39:4: 131-150. Reprinted in Revealing Landscapes. Society for Historical Archaeology’s series Perspectives from Historical Archaeology 2010.

2005       The Archaeology of Black Americans in Recent Times.  With Jennifer Babiarz and Cheryl LaRoche.  Annual Reviews of Anthropology. 13: 15: 575-599. 

2006       Foundational Histories and Power.  Archaeological Dialogues 13:2:23-28.

2006       How the Landscape of Fear Works in Spring Valley, a Washington, D.C. Neighborhood.  City and Society. XVIII (1). 36-42.

2006       LiDAR for Archaeological Landscape Analysis: A Case Study of Two Eighteenth Century Maryland Plantation Sites.  With James M. Harmon, Stephen D. Prince, and Marcia Snyder.  American Antiquity 71:4:649-670.

2007       Beginning for a Postmodern Archaeology.  In “Revolution Fulfilled?  Symbolic and Structural Archaeology a Generation On.” Review Feature: Symbolic and Structural Archaeology edited by Ian Hodder.  CambridgeArchaeological Journal 17:4:203-207.

2008      CA Comment on: Time to Destroy.  Current Anthropology 49:2:266-267.

2008      Overview, for Review Feature (3 reviews of the “Archaeology of Liberty in an American Capital: Excavations in Annapolis”). Cambridge Archaeological Journal 18:1:102-105.

2017       Linguistic Archaeology in response to “The Recovery of Case.” Inference 3(1).


1971       Western Apache Ecology:  From Horticulture to Agriculture, with P. Bion Griffin and Keith H. Basso.  In Apachean Culture History and Ethnology, Basso, Keith H. and Morris E. Opler, editors, pp. 69-73.  University of Arizona Press.

1973       Archaeology as the Science of Technology: Mormon Town Plans and Fences.  In Research and Theory in Current Archaeology, Redman, Charles L., editor, pp. 125-150.  John Wiley and Sons.  Reprinted in Historical Archaeology:  A Guide to Substantive and Theoretical Contributions, Schuyler, Robert L., editor.  Baywood Publishing Company, Inc., 1978. Summary entitled, “Mormon Town Plans,” reprinted in Archaeology Southwest, 19:2:14.  April, 2005.

1974       The Economic Basis for the Evolution of Mormon Culture.  In Religious Movements in Contemporary America, Zaretsky, I. I. and M. P. Leone, editors, pp. 722-756.  Princeton University Press.

1977       Forward.  In Research Strategies in Historical Archaeology, South, S., editor, pp. xvii-xxi.  Academic Press.

1978       Time in American Archaeology.  In Social Archaeology:  Beyond Subsistence and Dating, Redman, Charles L., et al., editors, pp. 25-36.  Academic Press.

1981       Archaeology's Relationship to the Present and the Past.  In Modern Material Culture, Gould, Richard A. and Michael B. Schiffer, editors, pp. 5-13.  Academic Press.

1981       Mormon "Peculiarity":  Recapitulation of Subordination.  In Persistent Peoples, Castile, George P. and Gilbert Kushner, editors, pp. 78-83.  University of Arizona Press.

1981       The Relationship Between Artifacts and the Public in Outdoor History Museums.  In The Research Potential of Anthropological Museum Collections, Cantwell, A. M., J. B. Griffin, and Nan Rothchild, editors, pp. 301-313.  New York Academy of Sciences.  Reprinted, 1991, in A Living History Reader, Vol. 1.  Jay Anderson, editor.  Nashville: American Association for State and Local History.

1981       Childe's Offspring.  In Symbolic and Structural Archaeology, Hodder, Ian, editor, pp. 179-184.  Cambridge University Press.

1983       Land and Water, Urban Life and Boats:  Underwater Reconnaissance in the Patuxent River on Chesapeake Bay.  In Shipwreck Anthropology, Gould, R. A., editor, pp. 173-188.  University of New Mexico Press.

1984       Interpreting Ideology in Historical Archaeology:  Using the Rules of Perspective in the William Paca Garden in Annapolis, Maryland.  In Ideology, Representation and Power in Prehistory, Tilley, C. and D. Miller, editors, pp. 25-35.  Cambridge University Press.  Reprinted in Readings in Historical Archaelogy, edited by Charles E. Orser, Jr. Alta Mira Press/Sage Publications, 1996.

1985       Ethnographic Inference and Analogy in Analyzing Prehistoric Diets, with Ann M. Palkovich.  In The Analysis of Prehistoric Diets, Gilbert, R. I., Jr. and J. H. Mielke, editors, pp. 423-431.  Academic Press.

1985       Varied Epistemologies in Historical Archaeology.  In Historical Archaeology West of the Blue Ridge:  A Regional Example from Rockbridge County, McDaniel, John M. and Kurt C. Russ, editors, pp. 91-98.  Washington and Lee University Press.

1986       Symbolic, Structural, and Critical Archaeology.  In American Archaeology Past, Present, and Future, Meltzer, D., D. Fowler, and J. Sabloff, editors, pp. 415-438.  Smithsonian Institution Press.  Reprinted in Reader in Archaeological Theory, Post-Processual and Cognitive Approaches, edited by David S. Whitley, pp. 49-68.  Routledge, 1998.

1987       Public Interpretation:  A Plurality of Meanings.  In A Key Into the Language of Woodsplint Baskets, McMullen, Ann and Russell G. Handsman, editors, pp. 165-167.  Washington, Conn.: American Indian Archaeological Institute.

1987       Rule by Ostentation:  The Relationship Between Space and Sight in Eighteenth Century Landscape Architecture in the Chesapeake Region of Maryland.  In Method and Theory for Activity Area Research:  An Ethnoarchaeological Approach, Kent, Susan, editor, pp. 604-633.  Columbia University Press.

1987       Middle-Range Theory in Historical Archaeology, with Constance A. Crosby.  In Consumer Choice in Historical Archaeology, Spencer-Wood, Suzanne, editor, pp. 397-410. New York: Plenum Press.

1987       Forks, Clocks, and Power, with Paul A. Shackel.  In Mirror and Metaphor, Ingersoll, Daniel and Gordon Bronitsky, editors, pp. 45-61.  Lanham, Maryland:  University Press of America.

1988       The Georgian Order as the Order of Merchant Capitalism in Annapolis, Maryland.  In Recovery of Meaning, Leone, Mark P. and Parker B. Potter, Jr., editors, pp. 235-261.  Smithsonian Institution Press.

1989       Living History and Critical Archaeology and the Reconstruction of the Past, with Russell G. Handsman.  In Critical Traditions in Contemporary Archaeology, Pinsky, Valerie and Alison Wylie, editors, pp. 117-135.  Cambridge University Press.

1989       Establishing the Meaning of Objects in Context.  In Perspectives on Anthropological Collections from the American Southwest, Hedlund, Ann L., editor, pp. 141-148. Anthropological Research Papers, No. 40.  Arizona State University Press.

1989       Keynote Address:  Sketch of a Theory for Outdoor History Museums.  Association for Living Historical Farms and Agricultural Museums (ALHFAM), Proceedings of the 1987 Annual Meeting, Vol. X, 1989, pp. 36-46.  Smithsonian Institution Press.

1990       Plane and Solid Geometry in Colonial Gardens in Annapolis, Maryland, with Paul A. Shackel.  In Earth Patterns, Kelso, William and Rachel Most, editors, pp. 153-167. University of Virginia Press.

1991       An Anthropological View of "Great Basin Kingdom."  In Great BasinKingdomRevisited.  Alexander, Thomas G., editor, pp. 77-95.  Logan:  Utah State University Press.

1991       Materialist Theory and the Formation of Questions in Archaeology.  In Processual and Postprocessual Archaeologies, Preucel, Robert W., editor, pp. 235-241.  Carbondale, Illinois: Center for Archaeological Investigations.

1992       Archaeology in a Democratic Society: A Critical Theory Perspective, with Robert W. Preucel.  In Quandaries and Quests: Visions of Archaeology's Future, Wandsnider, Lu Ann, editor, pp. 114-134.  Carbondale, Illinois:  Center for Archaeological Investigations.

1992       Establishing the Roots of Historical Consciousness in Modern Annapolis, Maryland, with Parker B. Potter, Jr.   In Museums and Communities, Karp, Ivan and Christine Mullins Kreamer, editors, pp. 476-505.  Washington: Smithsonian Institution Press.

1992       Critical Perspectives on Work Concerning Charles Carroll of Carrollton, with Elizabeth Kryder-Reid.  In Representations in Archaeology, Gardin, Jean-Claude and Christopher S. Peebles, editors, pp. 151-167.  Bloomington: Indiana University Press.

1992       The Rationalization of Sound in Mid-eighteenth Century Annapolis, Maryland, with Elizabeth Kryder-Reid and Janice Bailey-Goldschmidt.  In The Art and Mystery of Historical Archaeology: Essays in honor of James Deetz, Yentsch, Anne E. and Mary Beaudry, editors, pp. 229-245.  CRC Press.

1993       Artifacts as Expressions of Society and Culture:  Memory and Subversive Genealogy, with Barbara J. Little.  In History from Things, Lubar, Steven and David Kingery, editors, pp. 160-181.  Smithsonian Institution Press.

1994       An Archaeology of the DeWitt Wallace Gallery at Colonial Williamsburg. In Museums and the Appropriation of Culture. Pearce, Susan, editor. pp. 198-212. New Jersey: The Anthlone Press.

1994       Overview of Archaeological Discoveries in Annapolis Since 1981.  In The Historic Chesapeake:  Archaeological Contributions, Little, Barbara J. and Paul A. Shackel, editors, pp. 219-229.  Smithsonian Institution Press.

1995       Can An African American Historical Archaeology Be An Alternative Voice?, with Paul Mullins, Marian C. Creveling, Laurence Hurst, Barbara Jackson-Nash, Lynn Jones, Hannah Kaiser, George Logan, and Mark Warner.  In Interpretive Archaeologies, Hodder, Ian, et al. editors, pp.110 - 124. Routledge.

1996       Taxonomic Description and Questions About Change: Comments on Papers by Norman Barka and Carter Hudgins.  In The Archaeology in 18th Century Virginia, Theodore R. Reinhard, editor, pp. 57-64.  Special Publication No. 5 of the Archaeological Society of Virginia.  Council of Virginia Archaeology and the Archaeological Society of Virginia.

1997       Tourism with Race in Mind: Annapolis, Maryland Examines African-American Past through Collaborative Research, with George C. Logan. In Tourism and Culture: An Applied Perspective, Chambers, E. editor, pp. 129-146, SUNY Press.

1998       A Street Plan for Hierarchy in Annapolis: An Analysis of State Circle as a Geometric Form, with Jennifer Stabler and Anne-Marie Burlaga.  In AnnapolisPasts, Shackel, Paul A., Mullins, Paul R., and Warner, Mark  S. , editors, 1998, pp.291-306.  University of Tennessee Press.

1999       Ceramics from Annapolis, Maryland: A Measure of Time Routines and Work Discipline, with assistance from Marian Creveling and Christopher Nagle.  In Historical Archaeologies of Capitalism, Leone, M.P. and P. B.Potter, Jr., editors, pp.195-216. Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers.

1999       Archaeology of the Modern State: European Colonialism, with James Delle and Paul Mullins.  In Companion Encyclopedia of Archaeology, ed. Barker, G., pp. 1107-1158.  Routledge.

2000       L’archeologia Storica Nelle Terre Dei Colonizza. (Historical Archaeology in the Land of the Colonizer.)  In Archeologia Teorica, edited by N. Terrenato, pp. 267-280.  Edizoni All’ Insegna del Giglio, Florence.

2001       Spirit Management among Americans of African Descent. Mark P. Leone, Gladys-Marie Fry and Tim Ruppel.  In Race and the Archaeology of Identity, edited by C. Orser, pp. 143-157. University of Utah Press.

2003       Where is Culture to be Found by Historical Archaeologists?  Prologue, pp v-xxi.  In The Recovery of Meaning.  Leone, M.P. and Parker B. Potter Jr., eds.  Percheron Press.

2003       The Origins of Questions in Historical Archaeology.  In Essential Tensions in Archaeological Method and Theory.  Edited by Van Pool, T.L. and C.S. Van Pool, pp. 17-22.  University of Utah Press.

2006       Critical Archaeology: Politics Past and Present.  With Matthew M. Palus and Matthew D. Cochran.  In Historical Archaeology, edited by Hall, Martin and Stephen Silliman, pp. 84-104.  Blackwells.

2007       How to Work the Past: Middle Range Theory in Historical Archaeology.  In Expanding Method and Theory in Americanist Archaeology, edited by Skibo, James, Michael Graves, and Miriam Stark, pp. 21-39.  University of Arizona Press.

2007      New Africa: Understanding the Americanization of African Descent Groups through

  Archaeology.  With Thomas W. Cuddy.  In The Collaborative Continuum:   

  Archaeological Engagements with Descendent Communities, edited by Colwell-

  Chanthaphonh, Chip and T. J. Ferguson, pp. 203-223.  AltaMira Press, Lanham, MD.


2007    The Role of Theory in Public Archaeology.  In Constructing Post-Medieval Archaeology in Italy: A New Agenda, edited by Gelichi, Sauro and Mauro Librenti, pp. 35-40.  All’ Insegna del Giglio, Florence.


2008        The Foundations of Archaeology.  In Ethnographic Archaeologies: Reflections on Stakeholders and Archaeological Practices, edited by Castañeda, Quetzil E. and Christopher N. Matthews, pp. 119-137.  Alta Mira Press, Lanham, MD.


2009        Annapolis Historic Period Archaeology: The Colonial Archaeology of Maryland’s Capital. In Archaeology in America: An Encyclopedia, with Amelia Chisholm, Jennifer J. Babiarz, Matthew Palus, and Lisa Kraus. Vol. 1: Northeast and Southeast, edited by McManamon, Frank, Cordell, Linda, Lightfoot, Kent and George Milner. pp. 153-155. Greenwood Press, Westport, Connecticut.


2009    Making Historical Archaeology Postcolonial.  In International Handbook of Historical  Archaeology, edited by Majewski, Teresita and David Gaimster, pp159-168.  Springer, New York.


2010    Walter Taylor and the Production of Anger in American Archaeology.  In Prophet,     Pariah, and Pioneer: Walter W. Taylor and Dissension  in American Archaeology, edited by Maca, Allen, Reyman, Jonathon, and Folan, William,  pp. 315-330. University of Colorado Press, Boulder, Colorado.   


2010    Urban Archaeology, with Matthew D. Cochran and Stephanie Duensing.

In Encyclopedia of Urban Studies, edited by Hutchinson, Ray, pp.845-848. Sage, Newbury Park, California.


2012    The Archaeology of Aesthetic, with Amelia Chisholm, Karen Engelke, Amelia Harris,      Genevieve Kaplan, Jessica Mundt, and Wendi Perry. In Reconsidering Fieldwork:       Exploring On-Site Relationships between Theory and Practice, edited by Philip          Richardson, Cara Jones, and Hannah Cobb, pp. 147-165. Springer, New York.


2013    Chapter 13. Mark Leone. (Interview with William Rathje and Michael Shanks.) In            Archaeology in the Making: Conversations through a Discipline, edited by William L.    Rathje, Michael Shanks, and Christopher Witmore, pp. 251-269. Routledge, New York.


2013    Apprehending the Garden: Non-destructive Approaches to Detecting Gardens, with          Kathryn L. Gleason. pp. 97-126. William Paca’s Gardens in Annapolis and on Wye     Island, Maryland, US. pp. 707-712. Both in Soucebook for Garden Archaeology:            Methods, Techniques, Interpretations, and Field Examples, edited by Amina-Aïcha     Malek. Peter Lang, Bern, Switzerland.


2013    In the Shade of Frederick Douglass: The Archaeology of Wye House, with Amanda          Tang, Benjamin A. Skolnik, and Elizabeth Pruitt. In Reclaiming Archaeology: Beyond   the Tropes of Modernity, edited by Alfredo González-Ruibal, pp. 220-232. Routledge,           New York.


2013    West Central African Spirit Practices in Annapolis, Maryland, with Katherine H. Deeley, Stefan Woehlke, and Matthew Cochran. In Kongo across the Waters, edited by Susan      Cooksey, Robin Poynor and Hein Vahnee, pp 240-247. University Press of Florida, Gainesville, Florida.


2014    Critical Theory in Archaeology, with Amanda Tang, Michael P. Roller, and Jocelyn E. Knauf. In Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology, edited by Claire Smith, pp. 1796-1804. Springer, New York.


2014    Local Discourses in Archaeology, with Kathryn H. Deeley, Beth Pruitt, and Benjamin Skolnik. In Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology, edited by Claire Smith, pp. 4540-4545. Springer, New York.


2014    Ritual Bundles in Colonial Annapolis, with Jocelyn Knauf and Amanda Tang. In   Materialities of Ritual in the Black Atlantic, edited by Akinwumi Ogundiran and Paula      Saunders, pp. 198-215. Indiana University Press, Indianapolis.


2014    Definitions in Historical Archaeology: Enslaved African Americans Cultivating a Scientific Garden, Wye House, Maryland, USA, with Amanda Tang. In The Oxford Handbook of Historical Archaeology (2016). Edited by James Symonds and Vesa-Pekka Herva. Oxford University Press. Online publication December 2014. http://www.oxfordhandbooks.com/view/10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199562350.001.0001/oxfordhb-9780199562350-e-29.


2015    Introduction to Historical Archaeologies of Capitalism, with Jocelyn Knauf. In Historical Archaeologies of Capitalism, Second Edition. Edited by Mark Leone and Jocelyn Knauf, pp. 3-22. Springer, New York.


2015    Archaeology of Telling Time: Plants and the Greenhouse at Wye House Plantation, with Elizabeth Pruitt. In Historical Archaeologies of Capitalism, Second Edition. Edited by Mark Leone Jocelyn Knauf, pp. 103-125. Springer, New York.


1978       Comment on "Descriptive Statements, Covering Laws and Theories" by D. Read and S. LeBlanc.  Current Anthropology 19:2:324.

1980       Mormonism Lacks Another Side Inside.  The San Diego Union, March 2, p. C7.

1982       History Perceived and History Preserved.  Newsletter, Oral History of the Mid-Atlantic Region 6:2:13-14.

1982       Annapolis Public Archaeology, with A. St. Clair Wright and Anne E. Yentsch.  InMaryland Humanities  Winter/Spring:10-11.

1983       "Archaeology in Public" in Annapolis, Maryland, with A. St. Clair Wright and Anne E.Yentsch.  In Livability Digest 2:3:22-23.

1983       Comments on Museums in the Twentieth Century.   Selected Proceedings From the Sleepy Hollow Conference on Interpretive Issues for Outdoor Museums and Historic Houses, Nov. 15-17, 1982.  pp. 18-20.  Blatti, J., editor.  New York Council for the Humanities.

1983       Historical Archaeology and Reshaping the Myths of American Origins.  In The George Wright Society Forum 3:2:1-16.

1987       The Preserved is Political, with Christine Hoepfner and Parker B. Potter, Jr.  In ICOMOS Information, July/September: 10-16.

1987       Archaeology in Public in Annapolis: Four Seasons, Five Sites, Seven Tours, 32,000 Visitors, with Parker B. Potter, Jr.  American Archaeology 6(1): 51-61.

1989       Power Gardens of Annapolis, with Julie Ernstein, Elizabeth Kryder-Reid, and Paul A. Shackel.  Archaeology 42:2:34-37; 74-75.

1990       Seeds of Sedition, with Barbara J. Little.  Archaeology May/June:36-40.

1991       Exhibit.  "The Maryland Black Experience as Understood Through Archaeology," with L. Hurst, M. Creveling, L. Jones, H. Kaiser, and G. Logan.  Organized with Banneker Douglass Museum and Historic Annapolis Foundation.

1994       William Paca's Power Garden: The Art of Illusion in Colonial Annapolis. MarylandHumanities Magazine, July/August 1994: 9 - 11.

1996       Critical Archaeology, with  Christopher N. Matthews. In The Oxford Companion to Archaeology,Brian Fagan, editor, pp. 152-154.  Oxford University Press.

1998       Forward, vii-viii.  An Archaeology of Social Space, Analyzing Coffee Plantations in Jamaica’s Blue Mountains.  James A. Delle.  Plenum Publishing Corporation.

1998-99 Exhibit advisor, participant.  “Flash of the Spirit, the Archaeology of African American Religion.”  Organized by Jessica Neuwirth and Cheryl Fox for Banneker Douglas Museum and Historic Annapolis Foundation, Annapolis.

2001       Henry Glassie and the General Meaning of Things. Review essay of: “Material Culture” by Henry Glassie. The Public Historian. (Summer 2001) 23:3:83-87.

2001       Creating Culture through Choosing Heritage. Review essay of: “In the Museum of Maya          Culture,” Quetszil Castaneda, University of Minnesota Press; “The Archaeological Process: An Introduction,” Ian Hodder, Blackwell; “Metaphor and Material Culture,” Christopher Tilley, Blackwell; Current Anthropology, (August - October 2001) 42:4:582-584.

2002       Media:  “Hoodoo Tradition in Annapolis.” and “Interpreting Hoodoo Artifacts.”  2002  Streaming video on line produced by Smithsonian Institution Anacostia Museum.  http://anacostia.si.edu/Academy/academy.htm

2002       Ideology. With Matthew Cochran and Jessica Neuwirth. In Encyclopedia of Historical Archaeology, ed. Orser, C. pp. 305 - 308. Routledge.

2002       Cognitive Archaeology. with Jessica Neuwirth and Matthew Palus. In Encyclopedia of Historical Archaeology, ed. Orser, C. pp. 309 - 310. Routledge.

2007       Archaeology in the Classroom: Using the “Dig Box” to Understand the Past.  With Amelia G. Chisholm and Brett T. Bentley.  Journal of Social Education. September, pp. 276-281.

2011       Frederick Douglass and the Archaeology of Wye House. With Jocelyn Knauf and Amanda Tang. Anthronotes. 32(1) Spring, pp. 15-18.


2012      Ideology and Archaeology, with Michael Roller, Amanda Tang, and Jocelyn Knauf. InThe Oxford Companion to Archaeology 2e, edited by Neil Silberman. Oxford University Press, p. 63-67


2012      Critical Theory, with Michael Roller, Amanda Tang, Jocelyn Knauf, and Chris Matthews. In The Oxford Companion to Archaeology 2e, edited by Neil Silberman. Oxford University Press, pp. 343-346


2014    Knauf, Jocelyn E., Amanda Tang, and Mark P. Leone. “Annapolis: Historical Archaeology” In Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology, edited by Claire Smith, pp. 265-266. Springer, New York.




2007       Archaeology and Democracy.  An Interview with Mark P. Leone.  Archaeological Dialogues 14(1):39-59.


Visiting Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology, The Johns Hopkins University, 1978.

Visiting Associate Professor, Department of Archaeology, University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa, July-September, 1988.

“Critical Theory in the Archaeology of 18th Century Annapolis.” Invited lecture at the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa, July, 1988.

“Historical Archaeology of Annapolis, Maryland.” Invited lecture at the South African Archaeological Society, University of Cape Town, South Africa, August, 1988.

“Outdoor History Museums.” Invited lecture at the South African Museum, Cape Town, South Africa, August, 1988.

“Forks, Clocks, Music, and Power in 18th Century Annapolis, Maryland.” Invited lecture at the Department of Archaeology, University of Stellenbosch, Stellenbosch, South Africa, September, 1988.

Visiting lecture at the University of Lund, Sweden, October, 1990.

Visiting lecture at the University of Gothenberg, Sweden, November, 1990.

Visiting lecture at the University of Oslo, Norway, November, 1990.

Visiting lecture at the University of Tromso, Norway, November, 1990.

“The Tabernacle and the Clock.” Paper presented at the Department of Archaeology and Paleoanthropology, University of New England, Armidale, Australia, July, 1992.

“Archaeology in Annapolis and African American Research.” Paper presented at the Department of Archaeology, University of Sydney, Australia, July, 1992.

“The Political Role of 18th Century Landscapes in the Chesapeake Region of America.” Paper presented at the Australian Garden Historical Society, LaTrobe University, Victoria Archaeological Survey, Melbourne, Australia, August, 1992.

“The Ideological Role of Material Culture in 18th Century Annapolis, Maryland.”  Paper presented at the Departments of Archaeology and History, LaTrobe University, Melbourne, Australia, August, 1992.

“The Use of Marxist Idea of Ideology.” Paper presented at the Second Australian Rock Art Congress, Cairns, Australia, August, 1992.

“Is an Archaeology of Mind Possible?” Paper presented at the Department of Archaeology, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, June, 1993.

“Interpreting the Past for the Public in U.S. Archaeology.”  Paper presented at the conference on Interpreting the Past, Presenting Archaeological Sites to the Public at the University of Haifa, Israel, June, 1993.

“Design for City-wide Archaeological Excavations to Facilitate the Development of Heritage Tourism.”  Lectures presented at the Tangir American Legation Museum Society.  Tangir, Morocco, April, 2005. 


1982       “Ideotechnic Artifacts Around Chesapeake Bay.”  Paper presented at the Symposium on Structuralism in Historical Archaeology, Society for Historical Archaeology, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

1982       “An Appraisal of Historical Archaeology, Public and Academic.”  Paper presented at the Department of Anthropology, University of Delaware.

1982       “Historical Archaeology in the Context of Neo-Marxism.” Paper presented at the Department of Anthropology, New York University.

1982       “Historical Archaeology and Reshaping the Myths of American Origins”  Paper presented at The George Wright Society, National Park Service, Washington, D.C.

1982       “The Role of Archaeology in Verifying American National Identity.”  Paper presented at the Symposium on Critical Perspectives on the Past, Fourth Theoretical Archaeology Group Conference, University of Durham, United Kingdom.

1983       “The Relationship between the Public and Artifacts in Outdoor History Museums.”  Paper presented at the Museum of Man, Wake Forest University.

1983       “The Relationship between Archaeology and Public History.” Paper presented at the Heard Museum, Phoenix, Arizona.

1983       “The Archaeology of Early Capitalism in the Tidewater.” Paper presented at the Department of Archaeology, Cambridge University, United Kingdom.

1983       “The Archaeology of Early Mercantilism and Its Relation to the Public.” Paper presented at the Department of Anthropology, University of Arizona.

1983       “Archaeology in Public as a Museum Program.” Paper presented at the Department of Archaeology, University of Glasgow, United Kingdom.

1983       “The Archaeology of Early Capitalism.” Paper presented at the Department of Archaeology, University of Glasgow, United Kingdom.

1984       “Critical Theory in Historical Archaeology.” Paper presented at the Conference on Symbolic Archaeology, SUNY-Binghamton, New York.

1984       “Material Culture of the Georgian World.” Paper presented at the Conference on The Colonial Experience: The Eighteenth Century Chesapeake at Johns Hopkins University.

1985       “Critical Theory and Outdoor History Museums.” Paper presented at the Department of American Studies, University of Delaware.

1985       “Symbolic and Structural Archaeology.”  Paper presented at the 50th Anniversary Symposium, Society for American Archaeology, at Denver, Colorado.

1985       “Archaeology in Public in Annapolis.” Invited lecture at Eleutherian Mills, Hagley Foundation, Delaware.

1985       “The William Paca Garden in Annapolis and Middle Range Theory in Historical Archaeology.” Invited lecture at the Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of South Carolina.

1985       “Interpreting Historical Archaeology for the Public.”  Invited lecture at the Arizona Archaeological Council, Tucson.

1985       “Critical Theory in Historical Archaeology” and “Rule by Ostentation.” Invited lectures at the Department of Anthropology, University of Tennessee.

1986       “The Historical Archaeology of Three 18th Century Annapolis Gardens.” Paper presented at the Symposium of Historic Landscapes, University of Virginia.

1986       “Class Formation and Crises in Merchant Capitalism through Historical Archaeology.” Paper presented at Winterthur, Delaware.

1987       “Crises of Merchant Capitalism in 18th Century Annapolis.” Invited lecture at the University Museum, University of Pennsylvania.

1987       “Historical Archaeology of Merchant Capitalism in Annapolis.” Invited lecture at the Department of Anthropology, Brandeis University.

1988       “New Knowledge Organized in a New Way.” Invited lecture at the Society for Historical Archaeology, Plenary Session, at Reno, Nevada.

1988       “Archaeology of Merchant Capitalism in Annapolis, Maryland” and “Critical Theory in Archaeology.” Invited lectures at the Department of Anthropology, University of Minnesota.

1988       “Critical Theory in the Archaeology of 18th Century Annapolis, Maryland.” Invited lecture at the Department of Anthropology, McGill University.

1988       “The Role of the Present in Museum Displays.” Invited lecture at the Department of Classics, Lehigh University.

1988       “The Archaeology of Merchant Capitalism.” Invited lecture at the Department of Art History, Northwestern University.

1989       “Historical Archaeology in South Africa.” Paper presented at the Department of Anthropology, George Mason University.

1989       “The Rationalization of Sound in Mid-Eighteenth Century Annapolis, Maryland.” Paper presented at the Conference on Critical Approaches in Archaeology: Material Life, Meaning, and Power at Cascais, Portugal.

1989       “Materialist Theory and the Foundation of Questions in Archaeology.” Paper presented at the Center for Archaeological Investigations, Southern Illinois University.

1990       “The Archaeology of Merchant Capitalism in 18th Century Annapolis, Maryland” and “Historical Archaeology and Critical Theory.” Papers presented at the Department of Anthropology, State University of New York College, Oneonta.

1990       “The Social Context of Style in 18th Century America.” Paper presented at the Department of Anthropology, University of Delaware.

1991       “An Archaeology of Capitalism in Annapolis.” Paper presented at the Department of Anthropology, University of Virginia.

1991       “African American Historical Archaeology in Annapolis, Maryland.” Paper presented at the Department of Anthropology, UCLA.

1991       “The Archaeology of Merchant Capitalism in 18th Century Annapolis.” Paper presented at the Department of Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley.

1992       “Ten Years in Post-Processual Archaeology.” Paper presented at the Department of Anthropology, University of Massachusetts.

1992       “Class Structure in 18th Century Annapolis as Seen Through Archaeology.” Paper presented at the Department of Anthropology, University of North Carolina.

1992       “A Multicultural African American Historical Archaeology.” Paper presented at the American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting, Presidential Session, San Francisco.

1993       “Ceramics from Annapolis, Maryland as a Measure of Time and Work-Discipline.” Conference organizer for: Historical Archaeology of Capitalism at the School of American Research, Santa Fe, New Mexico.

1993       “Historical Archaeology of and against the State.” Archaeology Division Distinguished Lecture, American Anthropological Association annual meeting, Washington, D.C.

1996       “The Archaeology of West African Religions in Annapolis.” Paper presented at the conference Theorizing the Hybrid, University of Texas, Austin.

1998       “The African Roots of African American Religion through Historical Archaeology.” Paper presented at the Department of Anthropology, SUNY Binghamton.

1999       “The Archaeology of Hoodoo: The Remains of Africa in North America.” Paper presented at the Department of Anthropology, Southern Methodist University.

2000       “Enlightenment Time Ideology and the Maintenance of West African Spirit Management in the American South.” Paper presented at the Wenner-Gren Conference on Time and Temporalities, Majorca, Spain.

2000       “African Traditions in North American Landscapes.” Paper presented at the Symposium on African American Landscapes and Gardens, Dumbarton Oaks, Washington, D.C.

2002       “The Archaeology of Hoodoo” and “A Method for Intellectual Autobiography.” Papers presented at the Archaeology Center, Stanford University.

(Not updated since 2002)


The major honors on this CV are two fellowships from the National Endowment for the Humanities (1975-1976, 1991-1992), election as Chair of the University of Maryland, College Park Senate (2000-2001), and the Distinguished Lecture in Archaeology for the American Anthropological Association in 1996. Society for Historical Archaeology, James Deetz Book Award 2008 for The Archaeology of Liberty in an American Capital: Excavations in Annapolis.

Fulbright Specialist Award. 2009 To the Universidad Católica del Norte for seminar and excavations in San Pedro de Atacama, Chile. Dean’s Medal 2010, from the College of Behavioral and Social Sciences. Society for Historical Archaeology, J. C. Harrington Medal in Historical Archaeology 2016 for a lifetime of contributions to the discipline centered in scholarship.


Articles About:


Coffee, Kevin. Unearthing Leone’s ‘workings’ of capital: critical archaeology alongside Marx and Bourdieu. Conference Paper for Archaeology in a Rapidly Changing World. May 6-7, 2011. Institute of Archaeology, UCL, London. <http://www.researchgate.net/publication/283720716>.


Dalgish, Chris. Leone, Mark P. (Historical Archaeology). In Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology. 2013, pp.4490-4491. Springer, New York.


Palus, Matthew. Leone, Mark P. (Theory). In Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology. 2013, pp.4491-4493. Springer, New York.




Last Updated: September 2017


[*] Archaeology in Annapolis was begun in 1981.  By 1984, about $2 million had been raised through these and other sources for the project.