Dapuez, Andrés


Andrés Dapuez (PhD and MA in Sociocultural Anthropology, Johns Hopkins University) works as a full-time researcher of the National Research Council of Argentina (CONICET). He teaches Epistemology of Economics at the National University of Entre Ríos, Argentina. Andrés’ work on different regimes of futurity, ritual anticipation, promises and cash transfer receptions has been published in the Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology, Research in Economic Anthropology, Anthropologica, among other journals. His research has been funded by the National Science Foundation, CONICET and the Fulbright Commission.

His main aim at UMD Department of Anthropology is to complete a book manuscript for publication. Primarily focused on people’s imagination of money, the book will move towards a general theory of promises and promissory exchange based on fieldwork conducted on Mexico’s Oportunidades and Procampo programs in an indigenous village of the Yucatan state between 2004-2011 and on Argentina’s cash transfer program, Asignación Universal por Hijo, in a shantytown neighborhood on the peripheries of the city of Paraná, Argentina, between 2014-2019. Using an anthropological case studies approach, it theorizes how money, particularly cash transfers used as a development response to poverty, links various stakeholders through the promise of human capital accumulation.